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Project Rationale:

One of the sections of the comprehensive study of Iran's transportation system is the modal split of freight transport, which was executed through cooperation of seven Iranian distinguished universities. In this project, key influencing variables are identified, and modal split between road and railway transportation modes is modeled given tonnage and demand matrix of counties in the study area. Outputs are firstly used for traffic assignment to the road networks and railway infrastructures in Iran, and secondly applied for policy-making at the network level.



  • Investigating related variables, classifying products and modeling techniques in the international studies
  • Collecting data and elaborating the required variables such as: cost, time, accessibility, and type of commodity separately for road and railway transportation modes using a county-to-county matrix throughout Iran
  • Building freight modal split models in ten commodity groups
Ministry of Roads and Urban Development Islamic Republic of Iran
Isfahan University of Technology
Dr. Mohammad Tamannaei

ارتقاء امنیت وب با وف ایرانی